Learning, Research and Technology Support

Smith community members may request the following types of support:
  • Training for faculty - Instruction on use of college supported course tools including Moodle, WordPress, PollEverywhere, Perusall, Panopto.
  • Course Projects - Collaborate with faculty on a digital course project, develop project plans, arrange instruction and training, and coordinate with campus partners.
  • Educational Media Production Assistance with digital media projects, software or equipment related to video production, photography, audio recording or graphic design.
  • Request a Website - Request a Smith hosted Wordpress site, e.g.: for a course project.
  • Educational Technology - Information about available tools, their purpose, and availability.
  • Other - Other inquiry about using technology to enhance teaching. Please explain in the description box below.
What kind of support are you looking for?
What kind of support are you looking for?
Briefly restate the type of support you are requesting e.g. training for faculty. This will display in the ticket subject line in email notifications about this request.
The full details of a ticket, including any appropriate circumstances or supplementary information that may aid in resolving it.
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File attachments associated with the ticket.
Please provide your availability to discuss this request. Choose up to 3 dates.

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